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Button pages are designed to be one touch order menus. Each item will be attached to its own button. These page types also work for items with Item Prompts attached to them. See section Inventory | Item Prompts for more information.

NOTE: The area in the red box is the working area of a builder page. Only controls completely in this area will display on the menu.
Right-click on screen features:

Add Button - Select this to add a button to the page.
Save Button Page - Select this to save the page.
Load Button Page - Select this to load an existing page.
Scale Page - This utility will scale a menu built for a smaller screen resolution to a larger one. Typically used when going from 800 x 600 to a tablet.
Show Onscreen Totals – Select this to enable the running totals box.
Hide Onscreen Totals - Select this to remove the totals box.
Clear All Buttons - Select this to remove all previous selection from all of the buttons.
Swap First Button – Use this feature to swap two button positions.
Enable Snap To (F2 key) – This is a tool used for aligning, positioning and resizing buttons.
Right-click on buttons features:

Attach Inventory Item - Select this to add an existing Inventory item to the button.
Attach Combo Meal - Select this to add an existing combo meal to the button.
Make this a Label - Select this to make the button a Column Heading.
Text Color – Provides options to set the button’s text color, or copy and paste the text color between buttons.
Background Color - Provides options to set the button’s background color, or copy and paste the background color between buttons.
Font - Provides options to change the button’s font, or copy and paste the font between buttons.
Image – Features for adding and adjusting the display of images on buttons.
Add Image to Button - Select this to browse to the location you have stored your images to attach to a button.
Image Style – Resize the image to fit on the button. Stretch will resize the image to the button size. Zoom will make larger images shrink down to fit on the button.
Flat Style – .Change the depth of button on the screen. Standard will produce a button that steps out of the screen (top). The flat options have no depth and can be displayed with a border (middle) or without (bottom).

Clear Button Image - Select this to remove the Image on the button.
Camera - Select this to add a photo to the button. Double click the picture box to add a picture (requires Web Cam purchased separately).
Text Align – Adjust where the text displays on the button. Use this to display the text on the top or bottom edges of the image instead on center where the text may blend in.
Copy Button – This will copy all of the attributes of a button to be used when pasting the entire button or the text and color attributes.
Paste Button – This will paste all of the attributes, of the previously copied button, into the selected button.
Clear Button - Select this to remove all previous selections from the button.
Delete Button - Select this to remove the button from the page.
Swap First Button – Use this feature to swap two button positions.
Enable Snap To (F2 key) – This is a tool used for aligning, positioning and resizing buttons.
Place Top Left – This feature will move the selected button to the top left corner of the screen.
Auto size Selected – This feature will resize the button to fit the text that is displayed on the button.
Left Align Others – This feature will left align buttons that are near each other.
Right-click on onscreen totals features:
Onscreen Back Color - Select this to set the color within the totals box.
Onscreen Text Color - Select this to set the text color of the items within the totals box.
Onscreen Font - Select this to set the font style of the items within the totals box.
Command bar features:

Button Text – This is the text that will appear on the button.
Item – This is the item, size and stile code for the item attached to the button.
Template - Select this to add a grid of pre-sized buttons to the page.
Rows – Enter how many rows of buttons on grid. You can have up to 25 rows per page.
Cols – Enter how many columns of buttons on grid. You can have up to 15 columns per page.
Button Page Instructions
Creating button pages will require learning the basics of moving and aligning buttons. Visit the page below to learn these techniques.
See Customize | Common Instructions | Moving and Aligning Buttons in Customize for more detailed instructions.
Creating a new Button Page
The button design screen will default to a blank menu page.
Creating a Button Layout Using Template
To start with a screen of equally sized buttons use the template creator in the lower, right-hand corner of the screen.
- Enter the number of Rows and Columns you would like to have in the Rows and Cols fields.
- Select Template.

Column Headings
Any button on a button menu page can be assigned as a heading or Label.
- Select a button to assign as a heading.
- Right-click and select Make this a Label.
- Enter the Label name in the Button Text field on the lower, left-hand corner of the page.
- Use the right-click options to change the size, font and color of the button.
- Select a button to assign an Inventory Item to.
- Right-click and select Attach Inventory Item
- Browse to the Inventory Item to be attached to the button using the Item ID, Size, Color, Style or Description fields.
- Highlight the item and choose Select Item.
- Enter the button name in the Button Text field on the lower, left-hand corner of the page.
- Use the right-click options to change the size, font and color of the button.
Modifiers & Flavors
- Select a button to attach a Modifier or Flavor to.
- Right-click and select Attach Inventory Item.
- Browse to the Modifier or Flavor using the Item ID, Size, Color, Style or Description fields.
- Highlight the item and choose Select Item.
- Enter the button name in the Button Text field on the lower, left-hand corner of the page.
- Use the right-click options to change the size, font and color of the button.
Note: To attach a Modifier or Flavor List to a button, you will need to create a base Inventory item and attach a Modifier or Flavor List to the item. For example: Inventory item ‘Italian Soda Flavors’ with the appropriate flavor list attached to it. The Inventory Item to be attached is ‘Italian Soda Flavors’. See section Inventory for more information.
Note: Modifier and Flavor Lists are created in Inventory Maintenance. See sections Inventory | Modifiers and Inventory | Flavors for more information.
Saving a Button Page
See Customize | Common Instructions | Loading and Saving Pages for more detailed information
Changes made to a menu page must be saved. If Quit is selected without saving, all changes will be lost.
- Right-click on the edges of the Button Design page and select Save Button Page.
- Enter a Menu ID.
- Enter a Menu Description.
- Select Save Menu Page.
Note: It is not necessary to change the Menu ID or Description if you are changes to an existing page. You will be prompted that the page already exists and prompted to save the changes.
Making changes to a Button Page
See Customize | Common Instructions | Loading and Saving Pages for more detailed information
- Right-click on the edge of the Button page and select Load Button Page.
- Select a page from the Menu ID or Description drop-down list.
- Select Load Page.
Removing a Button page
See Customize | Common Instructions | Loading and Saving Pages for more detailed information
This is the only way to permanently delete a Button page.
- Right-click and select Load Button Page.
- Select a page from the Builder ID or Description drop-down list.
- Select Delete Page.