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Customize Common Instructions
Customize Introduction
We have incorporated the right-click mouse menus into this customize register, builder pages, button pages and list mode pages. For example to edit an existing page simply right-click and select Load Page. Select the desired page from the drop-down list and select Load Page. To create a new page, select a button, right-click on your mouse and begin adding items, size buttons, etc.
The following instructions and tips are common between button and builder pages, or can apply to even customize register tabs.
Tabs, menu pages and builder pages can be created and stored until you would like them available for use. In other words you can build a new menu look over time and withhold making it live on the register until you are ready. This could apply to a seasonal menu page or even a page with items only available at certain times of the day.
The common practice will be to make a copy of your page (using builder or button page screens) by loading the page, and then save the page with a new ID and description. Work on this page until it has the desired look and you are ready to go live, then you can connect the new page to the tab using Customize Register. In the same way you can make a copy of a tab set, make modifications, and only set it as the default tab set for a register when ready.
Note: Blank Builder pages have default Headings assigned to them. To delete a Heading name, simply delete the name from the Heading (#) field.
Loading and Saving Builder and Button pages
• Right-click anywhere on the Builder page and select load or save from the menu.
• Right-click anywhere on the background of Button page and select load or save from the menu. This means you cannot right-click on an button object, or you will view the button objects right click menu.
To load a page:
- Select the page from the drop-down list and select LOAD PAGE
To Delete a page:
- Select the page from the drop-down list and select DELETE PAGE
To Import a page that has been exported from another system:
- Select the IMPORT FROM XML button and select the file
To Save a page:
When constructing an ID the bulder pages are required to start with BLD. The ID needs to be unique. Use the ID to describe in short hand what the page is about. For example these IDs were a resolutoin for a (S)urface tablet, and made in 2015. One is the (E)spresso (B)uilder, and the other is the (BAKE)ry page.
When working menus for CSM HQ, if any store needs a menu with ANY unique aspect, then it is recommended to indicate the store number in the ID name. For example BLD1000EB, BLD2000EB, BLD3000EB - or - Bakery1000, Bakery2000, Bakery3000.
- Enter a DESCRIPTION - this is where you will enter a longer detailed description "Espresso Builder March 2017" for example (or if using HQ consider "Espresso Builder March - 1000").
To Export a page that can be imported into another system:
- Select the IMPORT FROM XML button and select the file
Copying Builder and Button Pages
It is always recommended to work on copies of pages when making large design changes. This way the changes will not immediately be pushed to the live register.
To make a copy of a page:
- Select LOAD PAGE from the right-click menu
- Avoid making any changes until after the new page has been saved
- Select SAVE PAGE from the right-click menu entering a new ID and name. You will noticed it the fields will be populated so the change can be as subtle as adding a "v2", "v3" to the ID and perhaps more detail in the description "Rev 2", "Rev 3". The key is to make the name different enough you can easily distinguish it apart from the original.
NOTE: You can maintain as many copies as you like in the process of building new pages. In the end you can always delete the versions that work just saves of work in progress to keep your menu pages cleaned up and limited to only versions used.
Moving and Aligning Buttons In Customize
The functions for moving and aligning buttons will be the same for tabs, builder pages and button pages. There are three methods available, Snap To, Control and Alt Keys and Drag and Drop.
Using Orange Handles
This function is available when hovering over a button or other movable item in Customize. Orange handles will appear temporarily on the button (as seen below)
- Move the button by left clicking on the center of the button, dragging it to the location desired and release the left button.
- Resize the button by left clicking on an orange handle and dragging the handle to the location desired, and release the left click.
Using CTRL / ALT Key + Arrows
This function is available when you have selected a button to move or resize. This will require a standard keyboard be attached to the system.
- Select the button to Move or Resize by left clicking
- Move the button by holding down the CTRL key on your keyboard and using the arrow keys for the direction you would like to move the button.
- Resize the button by holding down the ALT key on your keyboard and using the arrow keys for the direction you would like to resize the button.
Using Snap To (F2 Key)
This function, or mode, is toggled on and off with the right click menu or by using the F2 key on your keyboard. Once turned on blue handles will appear on the buttons for moving and resizing. Another feature is being able to make button sizes match by dropping one button onto another
NOTE: This mode should be turned on only while moving and resizing the buttons. Once done, toggle the mode off and proceed with other tasks.
- Move the button by left clicking and holding while on the center of the button
- Drag until the arrow pointer is over the desired blue handle and drop the button while pointing at the handle. The button will snap to the closest handle.
- For example if pointing to the [1] in the image below the button being moved would align the top left handle of the bottom button to the lower left handle where the [1] is.
- For example if pointing to the [2] in the image below the button being moved would align the top center handle of the bottom button to the bottom center handle where the [2] is.
- Adjust the gap between buttons when using Snap To by setting the Buffer field in the command bar.
- Resize the button by left clicking on a blue handle and dragging the handle to the location desired, and release the left click.
- Make two buttons match in size by left clicking on the center of a button and dropping it on the center of another button.