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Customer Loyalty Cards

Customer Loyalty Cards

The functionality of Coffee Shop Manager allows you to create customer accounts that encourage return visits to your store. Customer cards can be used in three different ways: loyalty or frequent buyer, prepaid accounts and gift cards. Creation of the three types of cards is identical; your use of them depends on preference as well as settings in CSM.

Customer Cards are activated by selecting the Account/Gift Card button on the Register tab. See section Cash Register Operation | Account/Gift Card for more information. Cards can also be created from the Customers screen, but the balance must be added from the Account/Gift Card button.

Note: Cards cannot be re-used, even in a single store environment. They card number is the unique identifier if you have multiple locations and are using the SalesBuilder for multi-store gift and loyalty. This is an optional program available to our customers. Please contact our sales department for more information on the SalesBuilder as a multi-store gift and loyalty service, as well as a marketing system.

Customer Loyalty Card Basics
  • Cards are intended to be created and money loaded on them from the Account/Gift Card button on the Register tab.
  • Cards can also be created from the Customers screen, but money can not be loaded from this screen.
  • Default settings can be assigned for when a card is created. These can be set up under the System Options. See section Utilities | System Options | Customer Defaults for more information. 
Gift Cards

Gift cards are intended to have a balance but the name of the customer may not be known at the time of purchase. Once the recipient of the card returns, the card can be edited with their name. Gift cards can also be combined on to an existing customer account. See section Cash Register Operation | Account/Gift Card for more information on combining cards.

Creating a Gift Card

  • Select Customers.
  • Select New.
  • Swipe the card in the Card # field.
  • Instead of the name enter Gift Card in the fields marked First Name and Last Name. The customer may choose to enter the name of the person who will receive the card or other identification such as “Christmas gift.”
  • Optionally select No Promo, No Points or No Free. Gift cards generally are not included in the frequent buyer programs. Once the recipient returns the card can be converted to a frequent buyer card by editing and allowing these options.
  • Select Save.
  • Money can now be added with the Account/Gift Card button on the Register tab.
Note: You may create a customer account without entering anything in any fields and base your accounts solely on the card number and first and last names with no additional information. Any additional information required is based entirely on preference.

Prepaid Cards

Prepaid cards allow the customer to deposit money on to the card to be spent at a later time. The card can be recharged with the Account/Gift Card button on the Register tab.

Creating a Prepaid Account
  • Select Customers.
  • Select New.
  • Swipe the card in the Card # field.
  • Enter the required customer information, a minimum of first and last name is required. 
  • Select Save.
  • Money can now be added with the Account/Gift Card button on the Register tab.
Note: You may create a customer account without entering anything in any fields and base your accounts solely on the card number and first and last names with no additional information. Any additional information required is based entirely on preference.

Frequent buyer cards

These cards have the same concept as, and will replace, stamp or punch cards. The customer will present the card at time of purchase and it will keep track of how many drinks have been purchased. Once they have reached the qualifying amount set by you in your system, (you can select qualifying items in Inventory Maintenance and establish your buy and get quantity in Utilities | System Options) they will have a free drink credit on their account.

Creating a Frequent buyer Account
  • Select Customers.
  • Select New.
  • Swipe the card in the Card # field. 
  • Enter the required customer information, a minimum of first and last name is required. 
  • Select Save.
Re-assigning a customer card
If a customer has lost their customer card and you wish to assign them a new one you can do this through the Customers screen.
  • Look up the customer by Name to ensure you have the right customer on-screen. 
  • Select Lost Card.
  • Scan the new card and select OK.
Note: Cards cannot be re-used if you have multiple locations and are using the CSM headquarters system. This is an optional program available to our customers. Please contact our sales department for more information on the headquarters system.

Deactivating a customer card

This option disables a customer account. This will not permanently delete the card it will remain in the system and can be looked up at a later time if needed. Before deactivating a customer account you must adjust the account and enter 0 for Coffee, Free, and Balance. If the card has a balance and the account closeout has been enabled the remaining money can be returned to the customer. See section Customers | Editing Customer Accounts for more information. Once all of these fields are set to 0 you may select Deactivate. The card assigned to this account may not be re-used.

Note: The ability to deactivate to a Customer account requires the proper permissions are enabled in Role Maintenance. See section Employee | Role Maintenance for more information.

Note: Cards cannot be re-used, even in a single store environment. They card number is the unique identifier if you have multiple locations and are using the SalesBuilder for multi-store gift and loyalty. This is an optional program available to our customers. Please contact our sales department for more information on the SalesBuilder as a multi-store gift and loyalty service, as well as a marketing system.

Combining Gift Cards

See section Cash Register Operations | Account/Gift Card for more information.

Note: Cards cannot be re-used, even in a single store environment. They card number is the unique identifier if you have multiple locations and are using the SalesBuilder for multi-store gift and loyalty. This is an optional program available to our customers. Please contact our sales department for more information on the SalesBuilder as a multi-store gift and loyalty service, as well as a marketing system.

Editing Customer Account Information

Customer account information can be edited by any user with the Edit Customer Information permission. See section Employee | Role Maintenance for more information on Roles.

• Select Customers.
• Swipe the card or Lookup Customer and select Edit.
• Enter the changes you wish to account information.
• Select Save.

Troubleshooting Customer Cards

Issue: Customer accounts are not tracking drinks purchased

1. Verify the rewards program is enabled.

  • Select Utilities | Setup | System Options
  • Verify the Buy__ Get__ Free is correct:
2. Verify Counts for Free Drink is checked in Inventory Maintenance:

  • Select Inventory | Inventory Maintenance.
  • Find the drink you wish to be counted under Description.
  • Select Edit.
  • Check the box marked Count for Free Drinks
  • Select Save.
  • Repeat for all inventory items you want to count as part of the frequent buyer program. 

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