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Cash Register Operation | Button Pages

Button tabs are designed to sell items that do not require the Builder functionality. Button can be linked to an item with a single price or the can optionally be set up to include flavor lists, sizes, modifiers or prompting for prices and quantities. See section Customize for more information.
To order in button view, simply select the button for the item to order. A quantity of one will be automatically added to the register for checkout. If an item has been flagged in Inventory Maintenance to prompt for a decimal quantity, upon selecting the items button the quantity window will appear and allow you to enter any decimal quantity. This allows you to sell items, like coffee by the pound and accept any quantity, while keeping the other items to a single key touch. If the quantity window pops up, enter the appropriate amount such as 1.25 for 1 1/4 lbs then select OK. If an item has been flagged in Inventory Maintenance to prompt for a price, upon selecting the items button the price window will appear and allow you to enter a retail price. This allows you to sell items that the price varies on.
Builder and Button Page options
These are options that appear on the bottom of the Builder and Button pages.
Scan UPC Code – This feature allows items with Bar Codes to be scanned to retrieve to purchase an item. Items must be set up in Inventory Maintenance with a Bar Code. See section Inventory | Inventory Maintenance for more information on creating items. Bar code scanners are an optional purchase.
Order Queue – This is a shortcut button to access the Queued Orders screen.
List View – This feature allows the items on a specific page to be shown in a List format instead of a Button format.
Customers – This is a shortcut button to access the Customer Maintenance screen.
Register – This is a shortcut button to access the Register tab.