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Cash Register Operation | Register Tab

This is the main area to review the order for accuracy and complete the sale. To remove an item which was incorrectly ordered, select the item and you will be prompted whether to delete the item. To add items, select the appropriate tab and order additional items.
– See section Cash Register Operation | Tickets Screen for more information.
Time Clock – This is an additional access button to the Time Clock for employees to check in and out. This is a feature and must be assigned in the user’s Role. See section Employee | Role Maintenance for more information on assigning permissions.
No Sale – Select this to open the Cash Drawer. A reason is required to complete the No Sale. The No Sale report shows this activity. See section Reports | Register for more information. This is a feature and must be assigned in the user’s Role. See section
Employee | Role Maintenance for more information on assigning permissions.
Logoff – Select this to log the current user off of CSM and log in a different user.
Paid Out - To pay out an amount from the cash register till, i.e. for deliveries or other purposes, select the Paid Out button.
• Enter the amount to pay out.
• Enter a meaningful description for the paid out and select Post.
Note: This activity will reflect on the Paid Out report. See section
Reports | Register | Paid In/Out for more information.

Customers - You may access the Customer Maintenance screen from here. To set up a new account select the Customers button. See section Customers for more information.
Cancel Order – Select this to cancel an active order.
- Select the Cancel Order button.
- Select a reason from the drop-down list. The checkout list will be completely cleared and you will return to the Espresso Builder screen.
Note: This activity reflects on the Cancel Order report. See section
Reports | Register | Cancel Order for more information.
Note: Cancel Reasons are created in Maintenance. See section Maintenance | Basic Links | Cancel Reasons for more information.
For Here/To Go/Delivery - The orders are defaulted For Here when the systems ship from us. To show the order as To Go or Delivery, toggle through this button. If you pass the selection that you wanted, continue toggling until the desired selection is showing again. Order defaults are set in System Options. See section Utilities | Setup | System Options for more information.
Scan UPC Code – Select this and use the Bar Code scanner to enter an item into the order. See section Inventory | Inventory Maintenance for more information on adding UPC Codes.
Complete Order – Select the Complete Order button to view the Checkout screen to finalize a transaction.
Exit Register - Select the Exit Register button to leave the Register screen and view the main CSM screen. Select Yes to confirm.
Account/Gift Card
- See section Cash Register Operation | Account / Gift Card for more information.
Employee Center – This screen is a designed to be a communication center for the staff. This is a user specific screen that shows schedules, internal email, daily specials, tasks and special messages. To open this screen, select the Envelope icon on the bottom of the screen. Enter in your Login ID and Password. See section Employee | Employee Center for more information.
Flash Report

This is an ‘At a glance’ report designed to give a Manager or Owner access to the current sales and labor information. The report defaults to the current shift, but allows the option of viewing past shifts or dates. This is a feature and must be assigned in the user’s Role. See section
Employee | Role Maintenance for more information on assigning permissions.
Flash Report – ZNumber – Select a Z (or Shift) from this drop-down list and select Refresh to view.
Flash Report – Date – Enter a date or select the Calendar button to select a date. Select Refresh to view.
Flash Report - Refresh – Select this button to view new information based on Z or Date selected.
Flash Report – Print – This report is designed to print on the Receipt printer. See section Utilities | Setup | System Options | Printer Settings for more information on Printer settings.
Flash Report – Close – Select this to exit the Flash Report screen and return to the Register screen.
Register Item Editing screen
Once an order has been placed, it will appear in the Register tab. Each item can still be adjusted. You can change the quantity, make a copy of the item or delete the item from the order by selecting the Description of the item on the Register tab. Items built on a Builder page can be brought back to the Builder screen to be modified.

Change the Quantity
- Old Qty: – This is the original quantity ordered. This field is not adjustable.
- New Qty: – This is what the new quantity will be.
Copy the item
Make another one like this – Select this to make a copy of the item. This is helpful for copying items with multiple modifiers and making a small change to the new item.
Go to Espresso Builder – This is a shortcut to the Builder page. This option will appear if the original item was ordered from a Builder screen and will allow the cashier to make specific changes to the item.
This item is: – This allows you to determine specific settings for the item. This option is useful for sales tax purposes. For example if an item is charged sales tax if it ‘For Here’ and this specific item on the order is ‘To Go’, then the sales tax collected will be adjusted for the item.
- For Here – Select this is if the item is for dine in.
- To Go – Select this if the item is for take out.
- For Delivery – Select this if the item is to be delivered.
Delete – Select this to remove the item from the order.
Cancel – Select this to close out of the screen without making any changes.
Accept Changes – Select this to save the changes to the item and return to the Register tab.
Change the Quantity – Enter the actual quantity desired in the New Qty: field.
Copy the item
- Make another one like this – Select this to make a copy of the selected item.
- Go to Espresso Builder – Select this to return to the Builder page to make changes to the selected item.
Queue Order tab
Queue Order - The customer’s entire order may be Queued, which will print an order ticket (if enabled) and then store the order under the Order Queue tab for retrieval and checkout at a later time. Select Queue Order and the order is placed in the queue and the register is cleared for the next sale. The order may be retrieved for checkout at any time by selecting it on the Order Queue tab.
Use this function if your customer wants to sit down and have a running tab which they pay at the end, similar to a more formal restaurant. The order may be queued and retrieved any number of times before the order is completed.

Order Tab – Table Manager – This is a feature to setup tables for full service locations. See section Maintenance | Seating for more information on Table Manager.
Order Tab - New Order – This is designed to work in conjunction with the Table Manager. When Table Manager (additional purchase required) is enabled, select this and choose a table on the map to attach the order to.
Order Tab - Reprint Order Ticket – Select this to reprint a copy of the Order Ticket for the selected line.
Order Tab - Print Order Summary – Select this to print a summary of the order including sales tax and order total for the selected line. This is useful for locations that offer table-side checkout.
Order Tab - Print Credit Card Summary – Select this to print a summary of the order with a gratuity and total line for the selected line for the customer to fill in. This is useful for locations that offer table-side checkout.
Order Tab – Checkout – Select this to move the selected order to the Register screen to make changes to the order or complete the transaction.
Order Tab – Register – Select this to return to the Register screen.