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Customer | Info

Customer | Info Introduction

Swipe customer card – This is the swipe field for looking up a customer account. Whenever the Customers screen is loaded the cursor will already be in this field ready for the card to be swiped. When the card is swiped, if it is attached to an account, the account will be shown.

Lookup Customer – This button will load the manual customer lookup screen. It provides the ability to search for the customer based on a variety of fields such as name and address details. See section Lookup Customer below for more information.

< – Once a customer has been selected an employee with permissions to browse the customer records can select the < button to move to the previous record.

> – Once a customer has been selected an employee with permissions to browse the customer records can select the > button to move to the next record.

Print Notes – Select this button to print the contents of the customer’s notes to the receipt printer.

Lost Card – Select this button to assign a new card number to the selected account.

New – Select this button to add a new customer account.

Edit – Select this button to edit details of the customer account.

Deactivate – Select this button to deactivate the selected account. This will not permanently delete the card it will remain in the system and can be looked up at a later time if needed. If the card has a balance and the account closeout has been enabled the remaining money can be returned to the customer. See section Utilities | Setup | System Options for more information.

Adjust – Select this button to adjust the balance, punches, free drinks or points for the selected account. See section Customers Instructions | Adjust: Manually Editing Customer Account Balances for more information.

Exit – Select this button to close the Customers screen.

Name / Address / Phone / Email – You may choose to include whatever personal contact information that is important to you regarding your customer accounts. An account only requires a First Name, Last Name and a card number (which can be from a plastic card or generated automatically). Any additional contact information is optional. If you include addresses or e-mail addresses you can export this information for mailings and promotions. See section Customers | Customer Communications for more information.

Card # – This field represents the number on the card assigned to this customer.

Store # – This is the store number where the account was created. This is primarily used with the CSM Headquarters system (optional purchase).

Customer ID – This is a permanent unique ID assigned to each customer account by the system. It is used internally by the system to link the customer account to records throughout the system.

Photo – Add a customer’s picture to their customer record. Double click the picture box to add a picture (requires Web Cam purchased separately).

Membership Type – To assign a membership type to the selected customer, select the appropriate membership type from the drop-down list. Membership Types allow you to distinguish between different groups of accounts for reporting purposes and give important customers a label such as ‘Gold Customer’ or identify your Friends and Family or Police. If a membership type is attached it can also be used as a filter in reporting for tracking donations or cards given away for advertising. See section Maintenance | Membership Type for more information on setting up Membership types.

Birthday –If the customer’s birthday is entered here a message box will notify the cashier it is the customer’s birthday when the account is selected on the Checkout screen.

Discount Group –To assign a specific discount group to a customer, select the appropriate group from the drop-down list. Discount groups provide the ability to assign specific discounts (such as employee discounts) to specific customers. See section Maintenance | Discounts for more information on setting up discount groups.

Price Level – To assign a specific price level to a customer account, select the appropriate level from the drop-down list. Price levels provide you the ability to provide a lower price (such as wholesale pricing) to specific customers. See sections Maintenance | Price Level and Inventory | Price Level for more information.

Prepaid / Frequent (Customer Type) – This is the default setting for a customer account. Prepaid accounts allow the customer to deposit money onto their card in order to use it to charge transactions in the future. Frequent buyer accounts are used for tracking punches and free drinks as well as promotions. See section Customers | Customer Loyalty Card Basics for more information.

AR Customer (Customer Type) – An Accounts Receivable (AR) account can be used for customers who purchase for a period of time and pay everything at once. Set the limit the account is allowed to go negative under Customer Type | Limit $. When using an AR Customer it is important to set No Free, No Points, and No Promo if these customers are not allowed to accumulate those items See section Customers | Customer Loyalty Card Basics for more information.

Limit $ – Sets the maximum dollar amount accounts are allowed a negative balance or AR Customers are allowed to go negative.

Emp. ID – Enable this and select an Employee name from the drop down list to assign the customer account to a specific employee.

Allow this customer to go negative – Selecting this option will allow the account to go below a $0.00 balance. The maximum amount allowed is set with the Limit $ field under Customer Type.

No checks from this customer – Select this to restrict checks from being used by a customer.
NOTE: To take any checks, they must first be turned on under System Options.

Manager Override Required – Select this to require a manager to enter their credentials for the account to be used for a sale. This can be used to prevent employees from using an AR Customer or an account that has discounts attached to it.

No Sales Tax / Out of State Customer – Select this for customers who are tax exempt to eliminate tax on their orders. This option cannot be used if you are using the “Tax included in Item Price” feature.

Ref - Enter the Customer’s Federal Tax ID in this field for tax reporting reference.

No Free – Select this to prevent free drinks from accumulating when using the Frequent Buyer program.

No Promo – Select this to prevent promotions from accumulating when using the Promotions program.

No Points – Select this to prevent points from accumulating when using a pPoints based promotions program.

YTD Purchases – This field shows the total Year-to-date purchases for the customer. This number reflects the current calendar year of purchases.

Last Purchase Date – This field shows the date of the last purchase that was made by the customer when their account was used to make the purchase.

Last Recvd on Account – This field shows the last amount received on this account. This amount reflects only when customers put money on their account through the Register. If you adjust the customer account and add money to the existing available balance it will not be reflected in this field.

Last Recvd Date – This field shows the last date money was received on this account. This date reflects only when customers put money on their account through the Register. If you adjust the customer account this date will not be effected.

Customer Since – This field shows the date the customer account was created.

Balance – This field shows the current monetary balance of the account. For Prepaid accounts this will reflect a positive number. For accounts allowed to go negative –or AR accounts- this may reflect a negative number. See section Customers | Customer Loyalty Card Basics for more information.

Available – This field shows the funds available (the combined total of the Balance and the Limit) when the account is allowed to go negative. If the account is allowed to go negative $10.00 and the current monetary Balance is $5.00 the funds available are $15.00.

Current Punches – This field shows how many punches the customer has earned that count toward their free drink when using the Frequent Buyer program.

Free Drinks – This field shows how many free drinks this customer has earned when using the Frequent Buyer program.

Current Points – This field shows how many points the customer has earned when using Points based promotions.

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