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Available Permissions

Available Permissions

The following list are the available permissions in CSM with a description of the feature, and specific effect on the feature.  Some permissions will turn on and off visibility of buttons or choices, while others will disable functionality behind the scenes.

Checkout Screen

Allow Tax Exempt Sales – Provides the ability complete a tax exempt order. This will display or hide the Tax Exempt checkbox on the checkout screen.

Allow Coupon Use – Provides the ability to apply a coupon to the order. This will display or hide the Coupon button on the checkout screen.

Customer Screen

Make Credits to a customer account - Provides the ability to make adjustments to the customer’s current balance, punches or free items. This will display or hide the Adjust button on the customer screen. In additional to showing this button the permissions for the type of credit allowed (balance, punch count, free drinks) must be added.

Credit a customer balance – Provides the ability to add or remove from the customer’s current balance. This will allow the Balance field on the Customer screen Adjust button to be enabled. This also requires the permission Make Credits to a customer account.

Change customer punch counts – Provides the ability to add or remove from the number of the punches towards the next free item (tied to the frequent buyer program). This will allow the Punches field on the Customer screen Adjust button to be enabled. This also requires the permission Make Credits to a customer account.

Change customer free drink count – Provides the ability to add or remove form the current number of free items (tied to the frequent buyer program). This will allow Free Drinks field on the Customer screen Adjust button to be enabled. This also requires the permission Make Credits to a customer account.

Change customer points – Provides the ability to add or remove from the customers current points for the promotional points program.   This will allow the Points field on the Customer screen Adjust button to be enabled. This also requires the permission Make Credits to a customer account.

Deactivate Customer – Provides the ability to deactivate an active customer account. Accounts are never deleted, only flagged inactive. This will display or hide the Deactivate button.
Reassign Lost Card – Provides the ability to assign a new customer card to an existing account. This will display or hide the Lost Card button on the Customer screen.

Edit Customer Information – Provides the ability to edit the customer’s information such as name, address, phone numbers, etc. This will hide or display the Edit button on the Customer screen.

Allow Manual Lookups – Provides the ability to use the Lookup Customer and Manual Lookup buttons on the Customer and Checkout screens. Without this permission a customer card must be used to lookup a customer or select a customer on the Checkout screen.  

Create New Customer Accounts – Provides the ability to create new customer accounts. Without this permission only existing accounts are available and no new accounts can be created.

Print Customer Notes – Provides the ability to print the contents of the notes tab on the customer screen. This will display or hide the Print button.

Edit Customer Notes – Provides the ability to edit the customer notes on the Notes tab on the Customer screen. This will display or hide the Edit button on the Notes tab.

Access Inactive Customers – Provides the ability to lookup or access any customer account that has been flagged as inactive (deactivated). This will display or hide the Show Inactive checkbox on the Customer screen.

View Available Credit – Provides the ability to see the available credit field on the customer screen. Available credit is the amount available to spend on AR accounts or customer accounts that are allowed to go negative. This will display or hide the Available field on the Customer screen.

Alter Customer Settings – Provides the ability to change any of the additional settings for controlling a customer account such as not allowing checks, requiring Manager Override, No promo, No points, No free, etc. This will enable these fields to be edited when the Edit button is selected on the Customer screen.

Scroll through Customer Records – Provides the ability to see the < (Previous) and > (Next) buttons on the Customer screen. This will display or hide the next and previous arrow buttons. When allowed, first select a customer on the Customer screen and the buttons will then become visible for use.

Close Out Account Balance – Provides the ability to close a Customer account and pay out the remaining cash balance to the customer.

Employee Screen

Note: View Employee Maintenance screen from the Main Menu permissions must also be selected for any of the Employee Screen permissions to be used.

Access Role Maintenance – Provides the ability to access the Role Maintenance screen. This will display or hide the Role Maintenance button on the Employee screen.

Access Hours Maintenance – Provides the ability to access the Employee Hours Maintenance screen. This will display or hide the Hours Maintenance button on the Employee screen.
Add New Employee – Provides the ability to add a new employee in to the system. This will display or hide the New button on the Employee screen.

Edit Employee Information – Provides the ability to the employee information. This will display or hide the Edit button on the Employee screen.

Delete Employee Information – Provides the ability to delete an employee record. This will display or hide the Delete button on the Employee screen.

Change Passwords – Provides the ability to change passwords for any employee account. This will display or hide the Change Password button on the Employee screen.

Assign Employee Cards – Provides the ability to assign a magnetic swipe employee card to an employee. This will display or hide the Assign Card button on the Employee screen.

Lookup Employee Cards – Provides the ability to swipe a magnetic employee card to lookup an employee. This will display or hide the Find Card button on the Employee screen.

Employee Task Assignment – Provides the ability to manage employee tasks for all employees. This will display or hide the Tasks tab.

Customize Menu Buttons – Provides the ability to assign specific custom menu buttons to an employee. This will display or hide the Customize Menu tab.

Employee Scheduling – Provides the ability to access the employee scheduling functionality for all employees. This will display or hide the Scheduling tab.

View Employee Personal Info – Provides the ability to see the employee’s personal information such as address, phone numbers, etc. This can be used for employees that are allowed to assign tasks or schedules for other employees but that should not have the ability to see the private information. This will display or hide the private information.

View Employee Payrate – Provides the ability to view the payrate of all employees. This will display or hide the Pay Rate field on the Employee screen.

Access Fingerprint Tab – Provides the ability to set up fingerprints for all employees. This will display or hide the Fingerprint tab.

Access Shift Schedule Tab – Provides the ability to access the Shift tab to enter in a default schedule template for a specific Employee. This will display or hide the Shift tab.

Change Employee Roles – Provides the ability to change the role for any employee. Please note that giving anyone access to this ability will give that person the ability to add themselves in to a role group that has full system access. It is highly recommended that only owners have this permission. This will allow the roles to be changed once the employee record is edited.

Clear Login ID – Provides the ability to clear the employees login ID and password. This will display or hide the Clear ID button.

Main Menu Screen

View Employee Maintenance Screen – Provides the ability to access the Employee Maintenance screen. This will display or hide the Employee button and menu option.

View Customer Screen – Provides the ability to access the Customer Maintenance screen. This will display or hide the Customers button and menu option.

Access Inventory Maintenance – Provides the ability to access the Inventory Maintenance screen.

View Shift Screen – Provides the ability to access the Shift Maintenance screen. This will display or hide the Shift button and menu option.

Access Register Screen – Provides the ability to access the Register screen. This will display or hide the Register button and menu option.

Access Employee Time Clock – Provides the ability to access the employee Time Clock screen. This will display or hide the Time Clock button on the main screen.

Access Reports Menu – Provides the ability to access the Reports screen. This will display or hide the Reports button and menu option.

Access Utility Menu – Provides the ability to access the Utilities menu. This will display or hide the Utilities menu option.

Access Setup Menu – Provides the ability to access the SETUP options within the Utilities Menu. This will display or hide the SETUP option in the Utilities menu.

Access Customize Menu – Provides the ability to access the Customize screen. This will display or hide the Customize button and menu option.

Access Training Mode – Provides the ability to enter Training Mode. This will display or hide the Training Mode menu option.

Run SQL Commands – Provides the ability to access the SQL command screen. This will display or hide the SQL Command menu option in the Utilities menu.

Access Maintenance Screens – Provides the ability to access the Maintenance menu. This will display or hide the Maintenance menu option.

Access Archive Functions – Provides the ability to access the Archive screen. This will display or hide the Archive Transactions menu option in the Utilities menu.

Access Backup Functions – Provides the ability to access the Backup utility. This will display or hide the Backup Register Data menu option in the Utilities menu. It is highly recommended that all users have access to this function.

Access System Options Setup – Provides the ability to access the System Options screen. This will display or hide the System Options menu option in the Utilities menu.

View Logs – Provides the ability to view the Register Logs. This will display or hide the View Logs menu option in the Utilities menu.

Clear Logs – Provides the ability to clear the Register Logs. This will display or hide the Clear Logs menu option in the Utilities menu.

Reconcile Physical Inventory – This allows access to the Reconcile Physical Inventory screen in the Inventory menu.

Manage Purchase Orders – This allows access to the Purchase Orders screen in the Inventory menu.

Perform Inventory Adjustments – This allows access to the Inventory Adjustments screen in the Inventory menu.

Manager Inventory Waste – This allows access to the Inventory Waste screen in the Inventory menu.

Global Price Updates – This allows access to the Global Price Updates screen in the Inventory menu.

Register Screen

Access Ticket Maintenance – Provides the ability to access the Ticket Maintenance screen. This will display or hide the Tickets button on the Register screen.

Access Time Clock from Register – Provides the ability to access the employee time clock on the Register screen. This will display or hide the Time Clock button on the Register screen.
Access No Sale Screen – Provides the ability to complete a No Sale. This will display or hide the No Sale button on the Register screen.

Access Multi Gift Card Screen – Provides the ability to access the Multiple Gift Card screen from the Account/Gift Card button on the Register tab. This will display or hide the Create Multiple New Gift Cards option on the Account / Gift Card screen.
Access Paid Out Screen – Provides the ability to complete a Paid In or Out. This will display or hide the Paid Out button on the Register screen.
Access Internet Tickets Screen – Provides the ability to access the internet tickets. This will display or hide the Internet button on the Register screen.

Access Customer Screen from Register – Provides the ability to access the Customer screen from the Register screen. This will display or hide the Customers button on the Register screen.
Queue Orders – Provides the ability to Queue orders. This will display or hide the Queue Order button on the Register screen.
Access 3rd Party Gift Screen – Provides the ability to access the 3rd party gift card screen. This will display or hide the External Gift button on the Register screen.
Cancel an Order – Provides the ability to Cancel an order. This will display or hide the Cancel Order button on the Register screen.

Complete an Order – Provides the ability to access complete an order on the register. This will display or hide the Complete Order button on the Register screen.

Approve Manager Override – Provides the ability to override an order if the customer is flagged Manager Override Required. In order for the users credentials to be valid to perform a manager override this permission must be assigned in the employee’s Role.
View Queue Screen – Provides the ability to access the Queue tab. This will display or hide the Queue tab.

Access List View Screen – Provides the ability to access the List View mode. This will display or hide the List View button on the Register screen.
View Flash Report – Provides the ability to access the Flash Report from the Register screen. This will display or hide the Flash Report button on the Register screen.
Print Order Summary – Provides the ability print an order summary of a queued order. This will display or hide the Print Order Summary button on the Queue tab.
Print Credit Card Summary – Provides the ability print a credit card summary of a queued order. This will display or hide the Print Credit Card Summary button on the Queue tab.
Cancel a Queued Order – Provides the ability to cancel a queued order. If the employee does not have this permission in their Role, once an order has been queued the order must be completed or an employee with the proper access must delete the order.
Delete Items from a Queued Order – Provides the ability to delete items from a queued order. If the employee does not have this permission in their role, once an order has been queued no items may be deleted or an employee with the proper access must delete the items.
Add Extra Credit to accounts – Provides the ability to add extra credit from the Account / Gift Card screen. This will enable or disable the Extra Credit field on the Account / Gift Card screen.
Add Extra Punches to accounts – Provides the ability to add extra punches from the Account/Gift Card screen. This will display or hide the Extra Punches field on the Account / Gift Card screen.

Reports Screen

Save Reports as PDF - Provides the ability to export reports as a PDF. This will display or hide the Save PDF button on the report print preview screen.

View List Reports - Provides the ability to view the list reports. These are the lists of data in the different buttons in the Maintenance screen from the main menu.

The following is a list of report permissions. Adding any of the following permissions to an employee’s Role will give them access to view that report. In addition to these permissions the Main Menu permission to access Reports Menu is required.

Sales By Customer
Prepaid Customers
Master Customer List
Customers By Hour
Sales By Customer
Customer Edit
AR Charges Report
Standing Orders Report
Accounts Receivable Report
Employee List Report
Sales By Employee Report
Employee Hours Report
Employee Schedule Report
Employee Tasks Report
Employee To Do Report
Task Listing Report
Task List Assignments Report
Inventory Listing Report
Inventory Value Report
Physical Inventory Sheets
Recommended Reorder Report
Inventory Adjustments Report
Inventory Price Lists
Recipe Listings
Cost of Goods Report
Inventory by Vendor Report

Inventory Settings Report
Cup Count Report
Z Report Reprint
Master Z Report
Voided Orders Report
Paid In/Paid Out Report
Prepaid Received
Prepaid Redeemed
No Sale Report
Credit Card Summary
Returns Report
Deposit Slip Report
Cancelled Orders Report
Sales Report
Sales By Hour
Sales By Day
Discount Report
Free Items Report
Journal Report
Coupon Report
Sales Compare Period
Average Sales by Hour
Sales Tax Report
Vendor List Report
Open Purchase Order Report
Purchase Order By Vendor Report

Shift Screen

Create New Shift - Provides the ability to open a new shift. This will display or hide the New Shift button on the Shift screen.

View Calculated Totals - Provides the ability view the totals calculated by the register from the Shift screen. Use this option for blind closing. This will display or hide the calculated totals on the Shift screen.

Continue Shift - Provides the ability to continue a shift. This will display or hide the Continue Shift button on the Shift screen.

View Shift Worksheet - Provides the ability to access the Worksheet screen. This will display or hide the Worksheet button on the Shift screen.

View Visa Recap - Provides the ability view and print the Visa Recap report. This will display or hide the Visa Recap button on the Shift screen.
View Check Listing - Provides the ability view and print the Check Listing report. This will display or hide the Check Listing button on the Shift screen.
View X Report - Provides the ability view and print the X report. This will display or hide the X report button on the Shift screen.
View Z Report - Provides the ability view and print the Z report. This will display or hide the Z report button on the Shift screen.
View All Shifts - Provides the ability to view all open or closed shifts. This will display or hide the display Show All Shifts checkbox on the Shift screen.

Continue Shift Started by Another - Allows the employee to continue a shift that was started by another employee.

Reopen a Closed Shift – Allows the employee to reopen a closed shift for corrections.
Create New Shift for another employee – Allows the employee to open a Shift for another employee.

View Master Z Report - Provides the ability view and print a Master Z report. This will display or hide the Master Z Report button on the shift screen.

Close the Shift - Provides the ability to close an open shift. This will display or hide the Close Shift button on the Shift screen.

Allow 2 Open Shifts – Allows an employee to have two open shifts at the same time. For example this allows an employee to start a new shift for the afternoon while they count out and close the morning shift.

Allow Unlimited Open Shifts – Allow an employee to not be restricted on how many open shifts they have at any given time.

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